Security measures
REMEMBER: DO NOT KEEP YOUR RECOVERY PHRASE ON YOUR COMPUTER OR WHERE IT CAN BE STOLEN AND NEVER TELL ANYONE WHAT IT IS - Put it in a lockbox, safe, or at a deposit box at the bank - no really!! NEVER enter your 24-word ledger seed into MetaMask as this would give it all of your ledger's private keys. ONLY click "connect to hardware wallet". ALWAYS use a HARDWARE wallet, export on it any wallet and import it on metamask to use it
A hardware wallets have a 2FA before sending any transactions. So you decide ultimately to send a transaction and you need to accept it fisically, so any scammer can't do it unless it owns your seedphrase or you wallet and PIN code.
Check Token Approval constantly Is a good thing to be alwys on alert and check constantly which token approval you have on your address and revoke them regularly. Links to Check Token Approval: ETH | AVAX | REVOKE |
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